
Drinking- Water Supply”, Or “Soqia Almaa’” project.

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Drinking- Water Supply”, Or “Soqia Almaa’” project.

سقيا الماء


When we begin to talk about drinking- water supply “Soqia Almaa’, we do not find greater than the words of the Almighty God in his holly Book “We made from life every living thing”

starting from the importance of water and its necessity in the world and for all the living things, whether these beings are human creatures, animals or plants and facing all the challenges and the great difficulties experienced by the IDPs and the displaced families from their homes against their will, and in front of the fierce war whose flames spare no thing.

And to be faced with a long war that lasted for years and years and is still up to the moment, “““and in front of a young child who was starving of hunger and thirst, and in front of a man who was killed by oppression and inability to provide the least necessities of life for his family, in front of an old man who wait for mercy and compassion from around him, and in front of a woman whose heart was burned to secure a drop of water.

In front of all of them, and because the drop of water means the life for those who lost it, or tasted the bitterness of being deprived of it.

We, at the Beyaz Eller Association, worked to find a drinking water supply project by seeking to implement the idea of ​​ “digging wells”

Through our project, we are constantly striving to achieve it under the name of “Drinking- Water Supply”, Or “Soqia Almaa’” project.



Soqia Almaa’ favor:

سقيا الماء


The favor of drinking water supply or “Soqia Almaa’”is one of the greatest obediences because of which may Allah avoid us a lot worse.

None would forget the story of that old woman who watered a thirsty dog using her shoe whom our prophet Muhammad told us about and whom Allah praised her deed and forgave her for her sins. And maybe the best to witness with is our prophet hadith which is: It was narrated from Sa’d bin Abu Qutada that his mother died. He said:

“O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died; can I give charity on her behalf?” He said: “Yes.” He said: “What kind of charity is the best?” He said: “Providing drinking water.”

So, providing drinking water is the greatest Sadaqa ever among all.

The Goals Pursued By Beyaz Eller Association from Providing Drinking Water Soqia Almaa’ Project and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Achieving the sixth goal of the sustainable development goals launched by the United Nations: clean water and hygiene
  • Reducing some of the psychological and physical suffering that our displaced people suffer to secure even a drop of water.
  • Contribute to securing a permanent source of water for the largest possible number of these people who were displaced from their homes against their will.
  • Contributing to alleviating the percentage of sickness and diseases caused by water loss.
  • Maintaining the safety and cleanliness of bodies.
  • Promote the idea of ​​the importance of humanitarian action and the role it plays to alleviate the suffering of the displaced IDPs.
  • Overcoming many difficulties faced by the displaced to obtain water.

سقيا الماء

Achieving the Project Mechanism:


As for the donations related to providing drinking water supply, it is carried out through:

  • online Donation directly and securely via the link here
  • Sending a money order through our bank accounts.

Selecting a location:

  • The specific place to start implementation of this project is chosen by setting the priorities needed:
  • Select the appropriate geographical area in which the water sources are located in preparation for the start of implementation of this project later.
  • The large numbers of IDPs in that area are taken into consideration compared to other geographic areas.
  • Estimating the usefulness of the project for drilling these wells.
  • The importance and the role played by the project to alleviate the size and suffering of the displaced.

Documentation :

  • Writing the name of the donor who has donated to carry out this project.
  • A detailed, accurate, and public documentation of how to start implementing this project is provided from the very beginning until completing the project activities.
  • The documentation takes into account the privacy of the beneficiary, so that no image of the project is published until a direct approval is taken from his\ her behalf.

Wells drilled during 2019 in providing drinking water Project (Soqia Almaa’:

  1. A well of water is donated by Mr. Taher Adawi and Mrs. Amna Khaled Nassar Adawi, in AL-Shohadaa’ camp of Tal Rifaat in Sjo area – Aleppo countryside, and the number of beneficiaries is estimated at 1115 beneficiaries (one thousand, one hundred and fifteen).
  2. A well of water is donated for the spirit of Hajj, Kamla Ibrahim Majzoub (Umm Ghazi), in Al Hilal camp in Shamarikh area – Aleppo countryside, and the number of beneficiaries is 1000 beneficiaries (a thousand).
  3. A well of water is donated for the spirit of Hajj Muhammad Ismail Majzoub (Abu Ghazi), in the Sharan School in Afrin countryside – Aleppo countryside, and the total number of beneficiaries is 900 students.
  4. A well of water is donated by Mr. Raja Ibrahim Razouk (Abu Farid), in Azaz Al-Ash’ieh camps – Aleppo countryside, and the total number of beneficiaries is estimated at 300 (three hundred).
  5. A water well with a generous donation of the spirit of the deceased Hadiya Ibrahim Razouk (Umm Farid), in the shelter camp in Shamarikh area – Aleppo countryside, the number of beneficiaries of the well is 1500 beneficiaries (one thousand and five hundred).
  6. A well of water is donated by Mr. Khaled Saeed Ghanayem, in Al-Rahma camp in Shamarikh area – Aleppo countryside, and the total number of beneficiaries is estimated at 2500 beneficiaries (two thousand and five hundred).
  7. A well of water is donated by Mr. Hussein Muhammad Sous Al-Hinnawi, in Al-Rahma Camp 2 in Shamarikh area – Aleppo countryside, and the total number of beneficiaries is 1000(thousand) benefited from the well.
  8. A well of water is donated for the spirit of Haj Ibrahim Abd Abu Shanab, in Jenderes School – Aleppo countryside, and 950 students benefit from the well, in addition to some of the families living very close to the school.
  9. A well of water is donated by Mrs. Khadija Muhammad Shana’a, in Sjo Karajat camp in the Sjo area – Aleppo countryside, and there are about 2750 beneficiaries from the well (two thousand, seven hundred and fifty).
  10. A well of water is donated by Mr. Hasan Lani Swaitat, in Al-Sankari village, Al-Sankari School in Afrin countryside – Aleppo countryside, and 500 students (five hundred) and there is about 1000 beneficiaries (thousand) from the well.
  11. A well of water is donated by Mr. Ahmed Ali Abbas Rayyan, in Tel Jen camp in Shaharin region – Azaz – Aleppo countryside, and there are 2250 beneficiaries from the well (two thousand, two hundred and fifty).
  12. A well of water is donated by Mr. Suhail Abu Jabal, in Sjo area – Aleppo countryside. The local council in Sijr region and the students of two school near the well get benefited from the well as well. The number of students benefiting are 800 students in addition to the teaching staff, (eight hundred).
  13. A well of water is donated by the people of Tamra town, in Al-Zoghra camp, Jarablus region – Aleppo countryside, and the water was extended directly to all the main tanks in the camp. There are 8000 people (eight thousand) benefiting from the well in the camp.
  14. The city of Al-Bab well, at the request of the agricultural office in the local council of the city of Al-Bab and funded by the Beyaz Eller Association, where the well was drilled in the agricultural nursery of the local council, and it feeds the nursery in addition to the camp near it where 375 beneficiaries benefit from it (three hundred and seventy-five).

You can donate for the whole project or a part of electronically or via our bank accounts: