Drinking- Water Supply”, Or “Soqia Almaa’” project.
When we begin to talk about drinking- water supply “Soqia Almaa’, we do not find greater than the words of the Almighty God in his holly Book “We made from life every living thing”
starting from the importance of water and its necessity in the world and for all the living things, whether these beings are human creatures, animals or plants and facing all the challenges and the great difficulties experienced by the IDPs and the displaced families from their homes against their will, and in front of the fierce war whose flames spare no thing.
And to be faced with a long war that lasted for years and years and is still up to the moment, “““and in front of a young child who was starving of hunger and thirst, and in front of a man who was killed by oppression and inability to provide the least necessities of life for his family, in front of an old man who wait for mercy and compassion from around him, and in front of a woman whose heart was burned to secure a drop of water.
In front of all of them, and because the drop of water means the life for those who lost it, or tasted the bitterness of being deprived of it.
We, at the Beyaz Eller Association, worked to find a drinking water supply project by seeking to implement the idea of “digging wells”
Through our project, we are constantly striving to achieve it under the name of “Drinking- Water Supply”, Or “Soqia Almaa’” project.