
Uhud School


Uhud School

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Uhud School in Year 2016-2017


As measures to support rehabilitation efforts and resume the educational process inside Syria,

we collaborated with “ Insani Team for Humanitarian Initiatives” to continue operating “Uhud” School in “Khan al-Asal” western Aleppo countryside.
The project pursued delivering education to students in the elementary level through morning and evening shifts.

The project served 368 male and female students, and offered 16 employment opportunities in teaching and administration positions.

girls at Uhud School


We Materialize their Dream

A female student in “Uhud” school was asked about her dream. She said:

Every night I dream of becoming a teacher and deliver knowledge to students. This year I proceed to the sixth grade. Even from now, I teach younger students and help them completing their homework.

Another student describes his misery after a raid on his school…

I am eleven-year-old, but I joined the fourth grade after skipping two years. During a city-wide offense, my school was laid waste. I had to move with my family and live in Aleppo countryside. At the beginning of this year, I resumed education in “Uhud” school. I am struggling to catch up with my peers in the sixth grade. Teachers assist me recapping what I have missed in order to sit in the grade where I belong to.



Implementation the school

Implementation Phases

After receiving approval of support by ““ Insani Team for Humanitarian Initiatives” we started preparation works to get the school ready for the new year. During the application and registration phase, our team repaired and replaced damaged windows, chairs, doors, and electrical networks. Meanwhile, they completed missing boards and tables to enable students and teachers of undertaking and receiving education.

Also, we provided all education services to empower teachers and students in their pursuit of education at the best possible condition. Our services included payment of teachers’ salaries, provision of heating during winter, and distribution of stationary supplies and schooling tools to teachers and students alike.

Together and with You, We Keep on Going

At the end of the school year, we turn out a new page in which we try to maintain support to the children’s dreams, those children who never lost hope.

Despite the aggressive deportation and the repeated displacements, and although their schools and cities are laid waste, they try to reach their goals. Let’s help them realize their dream.



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