
Sponsoring a Student

Sponsoring a Student

Sponsoring a Student:

Since the beginning of the war in 2011, the educational cycle has stopped all around Syria,
particularly in conflict zones where the majority of schools has been destroyed.

As a result, students have dropped off education and sought work opportunities to provide income for their families.

The extended war has also weakened schools’ ability to respond to emerging educational needs.

Noticeably, the six-year war resulted in 5.7 million children in need for educational assistance, including 44,500 Palestinian refugees.

The majority of teaching calibers have left work.

The continued deterioration of education calls up for assistance projects in some of the most afflicted areas of Aleppo, Idlib, and Damascus countryside.

Projects aim at supporting the educational process, increasing efficiency of school operation,
returning dropped off students, and providing a secure education environment that protects students against abuse and develops necessary skills to withstand challenges.

The project is based on sponsoring the Syrian student throughout an educational year.

Student sponsorship / One school year 150$ Student School bag 15$

Sponsorship includes:

–  Comprehensive rehabilitation of the educational process;

–  Providing students with stationary and study tools;

–  Realizing psychological and social support through activities and school trips; and

–  Supporting the educational process through training programs, capacity building of teachers, and annual operation of the school.

Sponsoring a Student Objectives:

– To maintain the number of attending students through operating the school and discouraging students from dropping off their education.

– To reverse drop off rates and help returned students pursue education and recap what they missed.

– To retrieve the educational process and maintain its normal course.

– To help the Syrian student receive adequate education inside Syria, compared to his peers abroad.

– To bring up an aware and educated generation that rebuilds Syria and draws its new future.

– To overcome local administrations’ inability to support education inside Syria.

– To realize psychological stability for students, teachers, and families by maintaining the educational process.