
Noor Al-Huda project for building mosques

building mosques

Building Mosques in Northern Syria:

People get into building mosques because the mosque represents an important asset that control the various aspects of society

People can build and establish mosques, especially in remote areas and villages, or donate and contribute to the care and maintenance of them, because this is of great benefit to society, in addition to the great reward for the donor.

What is the benefit of building mosques with the Almighty?

The first work that Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) did when entering “Qubaa” was building a mosque there, and when he arrived to Bani Salem bin Auf, he had missed the Friday prayer. So, He built a mosque there, and when arriving Al-Madinah, the first work the Prophet did was building a mosque and participated in building it.  

The Almighty said: “The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakat and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided. (Altawba ,18). 

Imam al-Qurtubi explained the Almighty saying, “He only builds the mosques of God,” saying that this is an evidence to building mosques with faith is valid. Because Allah connected them together and some of the predecessors said: “If you see a man building the mosque, think well of him.” 

Moreover, building mosques is one of the Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity) Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him)”. 

Beyaz Eller and Building Mosques: 

After studying and surveying many areas and cities, it was found that there are no mosques within the villages and remote areas in northern Syria, specifically the countryside of Afrin. Therefore, Beyaz Eller Association launched the Noor Al-Huda project for building mosques.

Mosques that have been established by Beaz Eller Association

Updated continuously

Tal Hamo Mosque:

Village: Tal Hamo

Sub-district: Jinderes  

Number of populations: 615

Current available mosques: not found

Building Condition: ongoing

Kastal Mosque:

Village: Kastal Kishk

Sub-district: Sharan

Number of populations: 650

Current available mosques: not found

Building Condition: ongoing

Tal Tawil Mosque:

Village: Taltawil

Sub-district: Ifren

Number of populations: 650

Current available mosques: not found

Building Condition: ongoing

Qarieh Mosque:

Village: Qarieh

Sub-district: Jenders

Number of populations: 735

Current available mosques: not found

Building Condition: ongoing

Qatmeh Mosque:

Village: Qatmeh

Sub-district: Sheran

Number of populations: 6000

Current available mosques: 1

Building Condition: ongoing

Ikedam Mosque:

Village: ikedam

Sub-district: Sharan

Number of populations: 632

Current available mosques: not found

Building Condition: ongoing